Sunday, October 2, 2011

Brazil Dam Project Halted

The Belo Monte dam project (which was also the subject of the preceding post) has been halted, at least temporarily.

Judge Carlos Castro Martins barred any work that would interfere with the natural flow of the Xingu river.

He ruled in favour of a fisheries group which argued that the Belo Monte dam would affect local fish stocks and could harm indigenous families who make a living from fishing.

The government says the dam is crucial to meeting growing energy needs.

Judge Martins barred the Norte Energia company behind the project from "building a port, using explosives, installing dikes, building canals and any other infrastructure work that would interfere with the natural flow of the Xingu river, thereby affecting local fish stocks".

Norte Energia, of course, plans to appeal, so this is by no means over.

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