Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Brazil Approves Mega-Dam, Displacing 40,000 People

Dam building seems to be one of the most consistent threats to Indigenous lands; Brazil just approved a new mega-dam project in the Amazon.

In the face of fierce opposition from indigenous peoples, social movements and scientists, IBAMA issued an environmental licence on 1 June, which will enable the Norte Energia consortium to start construction work.

COIAB, an alliance representing many indigenous organizations in Brazil’s Amazon said it ‘rejected IBAMA’s decision vehemently and with profound indignation’, stating that the government will not consult with indigenous peoples and treats their interests with ‘an authoritarianism never before seen in our young democracy…. In truth it wants to destroy indigenous communities with its model of development.’

This photo, of "Chief Raoni crying when he learned that the President of Brazil approved the Belo Monte dam project on the Xingu indigenous lands," really is worth a thousand words in getting across how devastating this is for the communities, and honestly just breaks my heart.

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